Monitor 中显示的 Average First Response = 所有客服的 Average Wait Time 相加 ➗客服数量
Report 中显示的 Average Wait Time = 所有满足条件的会话的 Wait Time 相加 ➗会话数量
比如有 6 个会话:
客服 A 服务 4 个会话,每个会话的等待时间分别为100s,150s,200s,250s。
客服 B 服务 2 个会话,每个会话等待时间分别为50s,100s。
Monitor: (100 + 150 + 200 + 250 + 50 + 100)/ 6 = 141.7
Report: ((100 + 150 + 200 + 250)/4 + (50 + 100)/2) / 2 = 125
Report 拉取方式:
Report Type: WeChat Followers with WeChat Transcripts
Report Filter: WeChat Agent not equal to "" AND Wait Time not equal to "" AND
((Closed equals True AND End Time >= Today) OR
(Closed equals False AND Status not equals to New AND Active equals True))